AM FM Simultaneous Transmitter Using Digital IC
AM FM Simultaneous Transmitter Using Digital IC
Medium range transmitter
This is a medium range transmitter circuit diagram. This is also improved by changing the values of the resistor.
A small FM transmitter
This SMD FM transmitter has an operating frequency of about 80 to 115MHz. Under reasonable circumstances you will be able to receive its signal at a distance of about 200 meters.
4W FM Transmitter
Very strong FM transmitter. You maybe need license to run this.
FM radio
Frequency of reception: 88~108MHz
Transmitter FM 45W with valve
Force of expense: max 45W
CB transmitter
Frequency of emission at AM: ~27MHz
CB receiver
CB receiver
3W FM Transmitter
This is the schematic for an FM transmitter with 3 to 3.5 W output power that can be used between 90 and 110 MHz. Although the stability isn't so bad, a PLL can be used on this circuit.
Linear FM 50Watt with BLY90
A amplifier of force RF for the FM, is always essential for the amateur that wants it strengthens some small transmitter, that likely already it has manufactured or has been supplied ready.
AM Transmitter
The circuit is in two halfs, an audio amplifier and an RF oscillator.
Small Radio Transmitter
The circuit is (of course) only mono, and accepts an audio input from either a microphone or other source. The input impedance is 1Mohm. The input sensitivity is 5mV and the max input signal is 10mV. The transmitted signal can be picked up on a FM radio. The circuit can be used for short-range transmission, eg. for wireless microphones.
FM Transmitter Bug
This small transmitter uses a hartley type oscillator. Normally the capacitor in the tank circuit would connect at the base of the transistor, but at VHF the base emitter capacitance of the transistor acts as a short circuit, so in effect, it still is.
73 MHz Hallogene Lamp Radio-Controlled
This circuit is a 73 MHz Hallogene Lamp Radio-Controlled. The purpose of it is to control the power state of a hallogene lamp by a remote control.
6 x 6 Loop Antenna
It uses one, six foot square, six turn loop, and is aperiodic in nature, covering the frequency range 50KHz - 5000KHz
Surveillance Transmitter Detector
This circuit can be used to "sweep" an area or room and will indicate if a surveillance device is operative
The ATL-3 Loop Antenna
The ATL-3 Loop Antenna. The Medium Wave Circle can be found on
UHF Preamplifier
This circuit is designed to work at UHF frequencies in the range 450-800MHz. It has a gain of around 10dB and is suitable for boosting weak TV signals.
SW Receiver Using MK414
A Short Wave Receiver based on the MK484 (formerly ZN414) that includes the tropical bands and 49 metre bands
ZN414 Portable Receiver
An AM portable radio receiver made from the ZN414 IC. The ZN414 ic has now been replaced by the MK484 which is identical in performance and pinout.
4 Band Double Tuned Preselector
The input can be from a longwire or a loop antenna. The unit covers MW and Sw to 30MHz.
2 Transistor Transmitter
A compact 2 transistor transmitter for use at VHF frequencies
4 Transistor Transmitter
This circuit provides an FM modulated signal with an output power of around 500mW
Simple Field Strength Meter
This Field Strength Meter is simple and also quite sensitive. It uses an ordinary digital voltmeter to measure RF signal strength up to a few hundred MHz
Field Strength Meter
This is a wide band signal strength meter circuit which responds to small changes in RF energy, designed to be used for the VHF spectrum and will respond to AM or FM modulation or just a plain carrier wave
A bipolar regenerative receiver
Contrary to what some radio experimenters think, a bipolar regenerative design can be made to work efficiently
AM Receiver
This is a compact three transistor, regenerative receiver with fixed feedback. It is similar in principle to the ZN414 radio IC which is now replaced by the MK484.
FM Transmitter from David Sayles
A small FM voice transmitter for Band 2 VHF
2 Transistor FM Voice Transmitter
This circuit may be tuned to operate over the range 87-108MHz with a range of 20 or 30 metres.
Medium Wave Active Antenna
This circuit is designed to amplify the input from a telescopic whip antenna
TV Transmitter
A VHF band TV transmitter using negative sound modulation and PAL video modulation. This is suitable for countries using TV systems B and G.
FM Transmitter from David Sayles
This small FM transmitter circuit by David Sayles
FM OpAMP Transmitter Circuit
FM transmitter with OpAmp circuits
Op Amp Radio
Simple radio with operational amplifier circuit diagram.